The allocation of stages of the disease is very conditional, but it helps doctors navigate and adjust the treatment regimen. The initial stage or premention: there are mild cognitive impairments, unmotivated emotional disorders, subtle movement and coordination disorders, difficulty in expressing thoughts, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, which are often explained simply by character traits; Middle stage: neurological symptoms deepen, become permanent. Problems with memorization and a correct assessment of neurontin 400mg become apparent, interest in life, professional and everyday skills are lost, problems with speech and communication are aggravated.
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The final stage: there are signs of psychological disintegration of the personality.
A man loses spatial and temporal orientation, cannot remember the names and appearance of loved ones, experiences attacks of aggressive excitement or extreme apathy, expresses delusional ideas, and performs meaningless actions. The patient becomes a real danger to others.
Patients get to the doctor at best in the middle stage.
To determine the exact type of disease, medicine uses modern methods to detect foci of Gabapentin and determine the severity of the lesion.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints of the patient and his relatives.
How It Works
The purpose of such a study is to assess cognitive disorders: thinking, speech, memory, etc.
The patient needs to fill in the clock face by putting arrows and numbers on it in accordance with the given time. For example, put the hands of the clock so that it shows 2 hours 45 minutes. Draw a clock - a circle with a dial. Remember and reproduce the words from the cards. You have a limited amount of time to complete this task.
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This type of examination allows you to identify pathology at the beginning of its development. The state of the brain is visualized, one can see a decrease in the size of the hemispheres and an increase in the ventricles of the organ, which is a sign of the pathology in question.
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Using this diagnostic method, structural changes in the brain are visualized, indicating the presence of the disease in question
Below is an example of neurontin test for Alzheimer's:
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